This was fun. There might have been some rough patches in the mix but overall I loved making our wedding invitations. The map of course is easily my favorite.
I had a few moments where Thomas looked at me like I was a bit crazy.. for example the printer. We sure bonded during this experience and all in all she did well and didn't fail me, (although I killed the yellow ink prettttttty fast) but we had some margin issues. It caused me to not only babysit and fed the printer one by one, but then I went back and trimmed both the invitations and the maps once they were printed (this would be the moments when Thomas looked at me like I was crazy, until I showed him the side by side comparison, there's truth in those pesky details).
Surprisingly I found it oddly therapeutic.
And I mean, come on.. they look so much better with out that 1/4 of a inch on the top.
It took a good couple of weeks for me to cut all the paper and print everything off-- I did it all in hour spurts after work and on the weekends. It was during this time that I realized I had no idea how I was going to compile them all. Lucky for me I have a mama and some friends to bounce some ideas off of and I landed on the grey envelops and the pretty flower paper that I love so much. My friend Lara came up with the sticker idea which was perfect and gave it that pop of yellow I wanted. They turned into pretty little packages for all our guests to open and I love that.
Here they all are stamped and ready to go!
It felt weird just leaving them all. I had spend so many evenings and hours working on them that I was (and still am) oddly attached to them.. ha. It was a lot of fun and thanks to Pinterest I did add some fun addresses to the mix.. including: The President and The First Lady, along with Cinderella and Prince Charming. :) Here's hoping we get something fun!!
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