Monday, February 4, 2013

hearts and more hearts.

Oh I was in a crafty mood. Pinterest will do that. There are just too many cute Valentine crafts out there that I had to get in on it.
Sadly my lack of red paper almost put an end to it all-- luckily I'm slightly obsessed with Christmas and found myself some pretty red wrapping paper that transitioned to Valentine's Day decor quite nicely.


This was so easy and almost therapeutic and I secretly loved that the grid lines of my wrapping paper made all my strips nice and even. Looks like I have a tad bit of OCD when it comes to crafts.

Seriously though, I could not stop. It kept going..

and going..

until the universe put an end to my plans..

Staples need to be added to my shopping list..

So my plan of having a long enough strand for the length of my bookcases died with the lack of staples.

But for the time being my world map is rocking the heart garland nicely. :) 

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