And oh my goodness, words could barely describe my excitement for our memorial day weekend.
I mean, c'mon..
I love these guys.
Thomas and I took them downtown on Saturday for the food truck festival and we sadly didn't plan correctly and completely missed the distillery tours for Yazoo-- but they got to at least see inside? ha.
We also hit up Centennial Park and captured this gem of a photograph:

It was a weekend full of guitar playing (thank you scott) lots of instagram-ing, some yummy southern food and of course. The Renaissance Festival.
I might have had a little too much fun in making the flower crowns.
However, Sar was in her element.. twirling.

To say the long weekend flew would be an understatement.
Our last night we played a round of putt-putt and I remember thinking, didn't they JUST get here?!! As much as it sucks it's a great thing when you don't want a good thing to end.
And I really wanted these guys to stay for at least 6 more days.
Guys! Please come back and just hang out at our apartment?
like this?
perfect. see you soon!!
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