I'm going to go ahead and just claim the entire weekend for my birthday, because it was pretty awesome. I got to see my parents and cullen, my man bought me flowers and made me a cake with more sprinkles than frosting. And then on Easter we all traveled to Thomas' parents house and spent Easter Sunday with all of them! It was just a good weekend.

I had asked for a map print so that I could pin all the places I've visited, and my parents knocked that one out of the park! It's so pretty. Thomas and I had so much fun adding pins to the map, we decied that we'd each get a color (can you guess what I picked?) and then any places we've been together, we would mark as red. One thing I realized in doing this is that I gotta get that boy out west! It also didn't help that we ran out of color pins.. so the East Coast is patiently waiting to be updated.
I dub this birthday, the birthday of artistic wall art! AND I LOVE IT! Thomas' got me a sweet print that I adore and can't wait find a place for it on my gallery wall. It might be getting close to extending my gallery wall to the other side of the hallway..
twenty five, you were fun. twenty six I think it's going to be a blast.